Tuesday 29 April 2008

Andrew has a cousin called Alastair; they look alike and get on well. In 2006 Alastair and Jennifer married up in Scotland and it was a fantastic day. Fast forward, and their first child was born on Friday. She's called Rhona, and mother and baby are doing well. Here is the card I made for them. A lilac linen look card. The ribbons on the side are a lavender organza and another variegated one from a variety pack I bought. Layered up are mirror board on the base, silver card and a delightful topper. I recently bought a set of around 15 of these, a variety of images of fairies etc, mainly copies of Edwardian illustrations such as Arthur Rackham. Trimmed up, this looks lovely and the colours are delicate and subtle. Too often, new baby cards especially for girls simply resort to hideously vomit inducing pink-fests with the usual assortment of teddies, nappy pins, alphabet blocks and similar nonsense. For a start, nobody these days uses nappy pins. Anyway, it'll be posted in the morning. I will also try and post a picture of Rhona too, who looks very happy.

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