Thought I'd do two separate posts tonight, rather than one massive one. After making the sampler and taking it to be framed, I got thinking. My great aunt had a special family birthday party about a week before the actual big day, as she was then going away for a fortnights holiday in Porthcawl. We went to the party and it was great fun, and she had the most amazing cake, made in a special knitting theme, with balls of wool and needles decorating the top of the cake, absolutely fantastic and beautifully made. Anyway, I took lots of photos and then decided to make a little mini-book of the party to go with the present.
I recently bought a Brenda Pinnick kit from QVC, which is the sister kit to one I already own, which is a Christmas themed kit. This one is a more general one and adaptable for lots of different occasions. It contains a large scrapbook and three smaller ones - and that's what I decided to use. A small kit, which you make up yourself of a paper pleated bound book, with covers and ten pages, perfect for this type of small project. The kit also contains lots of chipboard letters, shapes, stickers, card etc, so I had lots of fun making it up. I left the last page blank and when the sampler came back from the framer yesterday, I put the photo in the back with suitable embellishments. Some pictures attached. I really enjoyed making this little book, and I hope my aunty likes it too, as a special reminder of her party and her fabulous cake. I am going to wrap both the picture and the book tomorrow morning, and will probably do a quick photo of them then. Again from QVC (yes, I know this is turning into a commercial) I recently purchased a little set of twelve different themed gift wrap sets for only £14. This was wonderful value, as in each set, there is a gorgeous gift bag, lots of tags, tissues, gift wrap, ribbon, certificate holders, etc etc. All are top quality and most attractive, so I will be using the Blue Hydrangea set tomorrow morning to create an inviting gift. I'll report back on how it goes.
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