Wednesday, 29 April 2009

There's been a bit of a hiatus on this blog and I apologise. A couple of reasons. Firstly, I've been concentrating on making cards for the greyhound charity. The charity had a stall at a charity fair a couple of weekends ago and I wanted to ensure there was a good selection and plenty of stock. I am very pleased to say the cards sold well - most encouraging and of course every penny raised will go to helping the hounds. I took what was not sold, added some more and then boxed them up. Andrew posted these today to the GRW shop down in Newcastle Emlyn - apparently they sell well there too.

Also, annoyingly, life has a way of interrupting crafting, and several things have been keeping me busy of late, not least a new foster greyhound (Murgatroyd). Anyway, on with the crafting action and today it's quilting. I posted ages ago about a quilt top I had made using a charm pack from Moda - the Waters Edge range. I got as far as basting it, then the last lap remained undone for some time (mainly because I am in mid Wales and my sewing machine was still in Cardiff!). However, I've been reunited with my Janome and today it was time to finish it up. Leaving things undone can be a bit dispiriting so I was really pleased to complete this project. I attach a couple of pictures of it draped over the back of the sofa - that is where it is going to live as it is going to be my sofa snuggle quilt.
My next sewing projects are smaller in scale. Firstly, I want to make a patchwork notebook cover,using another set of charms. Secondly, Moda the fabric company have a wonderful website called the Moda Bakestore. On there they have a tempting range of projects and I am going to ahve a go at making some small bags - the project was designed for their Honey Buns range but I can cut the strips myself using some of my Kaffe Fassett fat quarters that have been waiting patiently.
I've also just taken delivery of a bumper crop of photographs. I take lots using my digital camera and often put them on my blog, or Facebook or on our digital photo frame. Printed photos are used for scrapbooking and I had a couple of projects in mind. Firstly, a mini book about the snow we had in February. Secondly, a birthday in June of a friend - I've got a really nice K & Co accordion book that is just crying out for some pics - I think it will make a lovely gift. Thirdly, I'm going to make a little scrapbook of Murgatroyd, for whoever adopts her with some nice pics of her as she develops and learns to enjoy her retirement (something she is doing very well at!). More pics of these as I progress.